Thursday, July 7, 2011

Trying to keep myself in "check".....

As usual we have been really busy. Busy is good a point I guess. This last month we had a garage sale, celebrated Father's Day, been very busy at work, sold lots of Molly's clothes on Facebook and planning Molly's big first birthday party. I can't believe she is going to be 1 years old tomorrow. This is where I am trying to keep myself in "check"! I have been trying really hard to hold back my tears! I just need to let them out and I think I will be good....hehe!
When Blake was a baby I was so excited for each new step he would take. I couldn't wait to see what new thing he would learn. I felt the same way about Coleton. But with Molly it is so different. I am sad. I am sad to see her grow so fast. I am sad to hand over her baby items to someone else. I know it is silly to keep them but it just makes me sad. I know she is our last baby and I will never be able to experience those infant "first times" again. I think I was so excited to see Blake and Coleton take new steps because I knew in my heart there might be just one more baby. After having Molly I know 100% that we are done. Our life is perfect with the 3 children we have but I can't help but feel a little sad. There is no greater feeling than to have your baby laying on your chest and fully depending on you. That bond is incredible. I just do not want her to grow up! This last year flew by and I just want time to slow down a bit!

Then I have been putting off signing Coleton up for preschool? Why? I don't know. I know I can't keep my kids small forever but it is just hard to let go!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

WOW! So busy!

I can’t believe it has been over a month since the last time I posted!  Time flies when you are having fun!

I have been extremely busy with work, planning Molly’s 1st Birthday and just the normal every day stuff!

Things that have been going on at the Owings house:
  1. Blake lost his 1st tooth!  ;-) He was so excited!  The tooth fairy brought him $20!  I told him that this was a special tooth (especially since he had to wait 7 1/2 years to lose his first tooth) but the next tooth will not be worth as much....hahahah!  He looks so cute with the missing tooth!  He permanent tooth is starting to come in already.......crooked!  Ugh!  All I see is dollar signs!
  2. We had Kona Ice as a special treat for Blake’s class.  The kids were so excited and so was Blake!  It was so worth seeing the big smile on Blake’s face.
  3. Blake is now wearing glasses and looks sooo cute!  BUT, we just had family pictures down on Sunday and we lost his glasses.....or shall I say “I” lost his glasses.  Thankfully, the eyeglass center is replacing them for FREE!!!!
  4. Well, we have been trying to potty train Coleton (you know, he is only 3 1/2 years old)!!!!!!  UGHHH!  It has been a struggle!  That kid has a mind of his own!  He tells me that he LIKES diapers....SERIOUSLY???!!!  I have said/done everything I could think of.  Told him I will buy him the biggest prize, told him he will be able to start school, told him he cannot play with the neighbor kids “because they are BIG kids and do not wear diapers”....I have bribed this kid with everything....NOTHING HAS WORKED!  I don’t know what to do!  ERRRRRR!!  I want him out of diapers!  I am tired of changing an adult size “if you know what I mean” diaper!
  5. Molly’s top 2 teeth have come in....just about 2 weeks ago.  :-(  I loved the toothless she has a total of 4 teeth!  She is crawling all over the place, getting into EVERYTHING (including eating dog food) and loves pulling herself up on everything.  She will be walking soon!  She is now in size 12-18 months, wears a size 4 shoe and size 3 in diapers.  Her hair is soooo long and is down to the middle of her back (when it is wet).  I love her hair!  Her first word was Ah Oh, then dadada, then good girl, then doggie and now MOMMA!  ;-)  
  6. Our wedding anniversary is coming up next week!  11 years.....I can’t believe it has been 11 years!!!!!  Thanks to Ed for watching the kids..... we are able to go out next Friday.  ;-)  It will be nice to have a yummy, peaceful dinner!  In 11 years we had a house built, have 3 children, now have 2 dogs and we both have done well with our job.  I think we have done well in 11 years!  I can honestly say life couldn’t get any better!  
  7. Derek received the “draft” of the buy/sell agreement for the business.  This is soooo exciting for us!  I can’t believe this is going to happen.  They are meeting with the lawyer on Monday.   EEEKKKKK!  I am so proud of Derek!
Next week is going to be a busy week! Lots of work meetings, annual subdivision garage sale, Grace party, pictures, graduation party and Father’s Day!!!!  WHEWWWWW!  I am tired just typing it!

Happy Thursday!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

It is so wonderful to be a Mother!

This was such a great weekend!  I love spending time with my family!!

It started off with dinner at the Olive Garden with my family, siblings, my Mom and Frank.  We went to Olive Garden to celebrate my Mom’s 62nd birthday (she doesn’t even look close to 62)!  It was such a nice dinner!  Then we went to Blake’s baseball game (my Mom and Frank came as well).  Blake had a few great plays too!  We ended our night just relaxing....

Sunday was Mother’s Day and I had such a great day!  Derek got up with the kids while I slept in...he is the BEST hubby ever!  I woke up to Pancakes and Bacon and GIFTS!  Blake made me a sun catcher and Derek/kids got me a new Coach purse and wallet.  I am mad at Derek for getting me another purse.  I told him I don’t want it and I have enough purses.....he insists that I keep it!  He is the greatest and wants to provide me with so much!  I love it but I don’t need it.  There are so many other things that we need..... “patio set, new grass, new kitchen table”.  I would rather the money go to that instead.  I told him I am returning it (so now I just need to get a hold of that receipt)!!!  ;-)

After breakfast and presents we all took a little cat nap!!  It was soooo nice to not have to do anything!  After we got up we headed to dinner, cemetary to see Momma Barb and Grandma/Grandpa, Partridge Creek and Nino’s......PHEWWWWW!!  Wait, wait....that’s not all!  Then, after putting the grocery’s away and cleaning Molly Pop’s nasty’s (I mean nasty’s) we headed for a WONDERFUL bike ride and a short game of baseball.  Ok, that is still not all......we talked about getting an ice cream all day sooooooooo we headed to get ice cream as well!  What a wonderful way to end a wonderful day!  It was alot in one day but such a great day!  I love my family. I feel so honored to be their Mommy!

Here are some pics of Blake’s baseball game, my Mom’s birthday dinner and Mother’s Day!  <3

 Every time I see a butterfly I think of you!  WE LOVE AND MISS YOU MOMMA BARB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Uh Oh......

Every time I drop something or Molly's pacifier falls on the floor I say to her "uh oh".  Well, yesterday morning her pacifier fell on the floor and she said in this tiny little voice "uh oh".  It was the sweetest thing ever!  It actually brought tears to my eyes.  I know, that sounds silly.  But, to hear your child say their first word is so precious!

Other things that have happened this last week:

1.  It was my birthday and I had a great day!  Derek and the kids made the day very special.  Derek bought me a sewing machine (and I cannot wait until I can really sit down and sew - I have sooo many ideas that I want to do)!  I want to make all 3 of my kids their very first homemade costume by ME, their mommy! I guess I better start on that now...hehe!  Also, Derek got me an ipad 2.....which I am very excited about as well!  I am sooo spoiled.  I just wish I had more time in a day to enjoy my family and my "so called" hobbies. 

2.  It was Molly's first Easter and she looked adorable!  Also, the boys had a blast.....(it was like Christmas at our house).  Blake had the 3DS, a few games, squirt gun, water balloon tosser, water balloons, candy and a few other things in his basket (spoiled?? NAHHHH).  Coleton had the Pirate Ship water table, squirt gun, foam sprayer, new underwear (hoping he will want to wear...SOMEDAY), candy and a few other things in his basket.  And Molly had a pink little buggy (that I am dying to use if it would just warm up!!), bubble machine, few new toys, rattle, pacifier and a few new snacks in her basket.  It ended up being a decent day outside - thank goodness it did not rain!  We had a nice time at Ed's house - dinner was great and the Easter egg hunt was a always!  He does such an awesome job!!!

3.  I have been putting together an arrangement for my Mother-in-Law vase on her stone.  I didn't have it finished in time for Easter so we didn't end up stopping at the cemetery.  I am hoping to have it done by next week so we can stop by for Mother's Day.  I cannot believe it is going to be 2 years since she has been gone.  I hope you are having a grand ole' time in Heaven Momma Barb!  I sure wish you were able to meet Molly - you would have LOVED her!!  And, you would have made her awesome outfits! 

Blake's first baseball game is this Saturday!!  My next blog will be about his game along with some pictures!! 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vegas Baby.....

We just returned from Vegas and we had a blast!  Some things to remember the trip:

  • We stayed at Cosmopolitan - it was my favorite hotel in Vegas so far!
  • I won $1,000 the first night we arrived on the Wheel of that machine (and it loves me)!!!  :-)  And, we came home with approximately $900.
  • The stinky cab driver that decided to poop his pants (and leave it in his pants) - I am not sure about that but it sure was smelly in his cab.
  • The long walk from Time Square to our hotel just to save a $20 cab fare!!  Ya, I can be cheap at times.  I thought I would save money and get some exercise at the same time.  Oh crap was I wrong.  My body still hurts from that stupid walk.
  • Derek’s “shiner” and skinned knees. And, Dave’s sprained hand.  We won’t talk about that.  Derek says it was the golf carts fault....hahahah
  • I bought Molly her “VERY LARGE” lollipop for her 1st birthday party.  Ya, I am a bit ahead of schedule but I need to be with 3 kids and working full time!
  • Lots of muncher shorts....meaning young girls wearing shorts that were riding up their butt soooooooo bad!  It was pretty funny.  Their booty had to hurt after those shorts were removed.....ouch!
  • The girl wearing a bikini that ran thru the casino pushing her friend in a wheel chair and spinning her around.   Did I mention they both had a bit too much to drink. Priceless....
  • We didn’t find the Elvis Presley drive thru chapel....bummer!  That would have been hilarious!! 
  • When we returned from Vegas and I walked in the door Molly had a big smile and screamed with excitement.  That was the best thing to hear.  Boy did I miss the kids so much.
Like the saying goes “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”.  :-)

A few things going on in the home....

  • Our sweet Molly is starting to crawl at 9 months old.  She is not actually “crawling”....more like doing the worm!  hehe!  It is sooo cute!  
  • Blake is reading so well.....3rd grade level and he is in 1st grade.  I am so proud of that kid!  
  • Blake started baseball - coach pitch.  He is excited.
  • Coleton still will not poop in the toilet.  Gosh that kid is stubborn!  He said to me tonight “mommy, can you change my poopy”?  “I know I need to poop in the toilet, I will NEXT time”.
  • I just love my family soooo much!  
It is my birthday tomorrow.  I just wish I could stay 35 forever.  That is such a good age.  After 35 you get wrinkles and crap.  Oh, and I noticed another “line” on my face and another “gray” ugly hair yesterday.  Must be because I am going to be another year older!  I told you after 35 you get wrinkles and crap!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Vacation....YAY!!!

I have planned a vacation for just me and Derek.  I have been planning it for months and it is coming up really soon (it was part of his birthday gift)!  He deserves it so much!!  I just love that guy and love to make him smile.  I am so excited.  It will be a blast!!  It will be so nice to spend time together.  We are going to Vegas and staying at the newest hotel that just opened in December....Cosmopolitan.  I have so much lined up that we are going to do.  I think Derek will really enjoy it too!  I will write about the things we did when we return from our vacation.  :-)

It is so nice to get away and I truly believe it is a “healthy” thing to do.  But, for me, it is so hard to leave my kids.  I cry weeks prior to leaving them.  I know, I am crazy!!!  I just love those 3 kids so much and I miss them when I just go to work!!!  I am afraid that I am going to miss out on something when I am not home with them.  Those kids are my everything!  But, I know I will have a blast with Derek and I am looking forward to spending “quality” time with him.  We both need “much needed rest time” and it will be awesome.....but, I WILL MISS MY KIDS TREMENDOUSLY!!!

On a side note....I did it!  I can’t believe I really did it!!!  I had that talk at work and said those words.....  I can’t believe this is really going to happen!!  All I have ever wanted was to be home with my family.  I miss them so much when I am working and I am hoping this time next year I will be able to have alot more time to give to my family.  This is the best thing ever!!  I can’t believe I did it...did I already say that?  Can you tell I am really excited!  It was very hard to say those words strongly at work.  VERY HARD!  I am giving up so much money that I have worked soooooo hard for but it will be all worth it!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope this happens.  I already have a perfect life but this will complete me ~


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Disney World!!!!!

We just returned from Florida and Disney World.  The weather was perfect every day....we couldn’t ask for a better week!  And, everyone was pretty healthy during the entire time!!!  :-)

We went to Magic Kingdom (which I would go again), Hollywood Studios (didn’t care for this park and probably wouldn’t return for a long time) and Typhoon Lagoon (this was a great water park)!  The kids had a great time....I love seeing smiles on their faces.  It makes it all worth it!  Especially Blake....I don’t think that kid wiped a smile off his face all week (except for when he lost his DSI)!!  We stayed at the Bay Tower Resort which was a nice hotel.  The kids were great on the plane as well.....thank goodness!

We were sad to come home to 35 degree weather but hopefully this won’t last too long!  Also, I ended up in Urgent Care with the most painful Sinus Infection!!!  It has been 4 days since I have been on the meds and I am starting to feel a bit better.  That was horrible!!!  At one point I couldn’t even stand to walk!  It hurt so bad.  I am not one to sit around but I had to.  Derek is so wonderful and took care of everything while I got some rest.  Thank you to my honey!

Speaking of Disney, I had several outfits made for Molly for our trip.  I have been thinking for months that I would love to make my own clothes for her.  I would love that!  But, where can I find the time?  There are so many things that I would like to do so I guess I will just add this one to my list.  Maybe one day I can set up a craft room for me and start on my list.  I know I can do it.  I will do day!


Here is our little “we have a problem” stinker....

Molly sitting in her high chair eating her 1st rice cake....